Shaukat Mahmood
Maxim is the nom de plume of Prof. Dr Shaukat Mahmood. The well-known cartoonist is also an educationist, scholar, and architectural and art historian. Born at Peshawar, Dr Mahmood studied at the famous Government College, Lahore. With a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, Dr Mahmood is considered an authority on Islamic Architecture and Art. He has taught at universities in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. Prior to these, he headed the Department of Architecture, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, where he later became Dean of Architecture and Planning. He uploads his lectures on Islamic Architecture to his own YouTube channel. Cartooning is his special passion and over 200,000 of his cartoons have been published in newspapers and journals. He is the author of three books of cartoons “Target Killing”, “WMD—The US Weapons of Mass Deceit”, and “Democracy is the Best Revenge”. He is also the author of “Maghrib mein Fun-e-Muswari ki Tehreekain” (in Urdu) and “Islamic Calligraphy: Styles and Techniques”. Two further works are currently under print.