Firoze Manji

Firoze Manji

Firoze Manji, PhD, a Kenyan, is the publisher of Daraja Press and Adjunct Professor at the Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. He is the recipient of the 2021 Nicolás Cristóbal Guillén Batista Lifetime Achievement Award from the Caribbean Philosophical Association. He is a Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy, Berlin, Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford (2001-2016) and, and Associate Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the founder and former editor-in-chief of the prize-winning Pan-African social justice newsletter and website ‘Pambazuka News’ and Pambazuka Press/Fahamu Books. He has previously worked as Africa Programme Director for Amnesty International. He is a member of the editorial review board of ‘Global Critical Caribbean Thought’, a member of the editorial board of ‘Nokoko, Journal of the Institute of African Studies’, Carleton University, and a member of the international advisory board of the journal ‘Philosophy and Global Affairs’. He is a Senior Research Fellow of the Global Centre for Advanced Studies. He is currently a member of the board of GRAIN and has served as a member of the Permanent Peoples Tribunal on the Role of TNCs in Southern Africa (2018-9). He has published widely on health, human rights, development and politics. He is co-editor, with Sokari Ekine, of ‘African Awakenings: The Emerging Revolutions’ and co-editor with Bill Fletcher Jr, of ‘Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral’.