Fateh Mohammad Malik
A literary critic, linguist, and a scholar, he has authored numerous books, papers, and articles. Professor Malik has written a number of books on Allama Iqbal, including “Iqbal’s Reconstruction of Muslim Political Thought”, published by the University of Leicester. His major work while working for National Language Authority, Pakistan was a five-volume book on the origin of Urdu as a language. Professor Malik is the Chairman of the National Language Authority, Pakistan. He served as Rector of the International Islamic University, Islamabad, till 2012. He also served this University as Dean of the Faculty of Languages, literature, and Humanities. Before starting his career in Pakistan, Malik had taught at Columbia University, Heidelberg University, Humboldt University, and Saint Petersburg University for ten years. He was awarded Sitara-i-Imtiaz by the President of Pakistan in 2006.